Music Videos.
Produced and directed this music video for Belizio. He just finished a single that he wanted to do something for, to promote his latest EP. So we came up with a quick and east script to fit the song.
Produced and directed this project for our friends, Ayi and Maccaroots. We did things like: rigging the car mounts and light setups. Post production was also our visions and ideas.
This is a very special project where we got together with Belizio to produce both the song and the music video. We wanted to match this soulful sound with the street lyrics together, and make a video that is subtle and reflecting the song.
Produced and directed this video for Nordlys. A small production where we were limited to one location and with gear. We threw together this music video for his single.
Run and gun project where we basically just went around in the car and took some shots. one day shoot, and just a few days with post production. Quick promotion project for his single “To the sky”.
Run and gun project, just brought the camera and light and went to location the artist had in mind.